Book Reviews

The Last Sentrys: Sentrys of Terrene: Book II

A time of turmoil engulfs the Lost World of Terrene... ...Yet amidst the shadows of war, a new hope arises Sabre Kjaergaard stands at the heart of the conflict, torn between the legacy of her late mentors and the sinister designs of her biological father, a leader in the imperial Venn Order. With her powers evolving and the stakes higher than ever, she must seek the legendary Minch Ware, the last known Spirit Elysian Master, to unlock the secrets of her rare abilities to control both Earth and Spirit. But the path is fraught with danger. As her father's forces close in, the ultimate fate of Terrene hangs in the balance, with Sabre's choices pivotal in an intensifying war that threatens to engulf their reality. Join Sabre as she navigates through betrayal, love, and the trials of destiny. The battle to restore liberty is heating up, and every page in this post-apocalyptic dystopian science fantasy promises an adventure where only the strongest will survive.

Some authors reinvent themselves with each passing book, ensuring that their readers don’t know what to expect. Other authors strike similar grounds to what readers have come to expect. TC Marti falls into the latter category. Whilst his books can, and do, cross different genres, you can depend on Marti to provide a story filled with action and adventure. So much so that twelve books into his Renegades Epic, he has created a brand where readers can expect high octane action, with ties to his sprawling universe. A universe that not only includes the first book in Sentrys of Terrene (The Rebellion Awakens), but also Elementals of Nordica (Wind Wielder, Wind Master, Wind Keeper and Wind Ruler), Cymraeg Tales (Spirit & Fire), Cymraeg Tales (Spirit & Fire), Terrian Chronicles (Tarja Titan, as well as Liza Fury: The Discovery or Tarja Titan: Sophomore Year, which I haven’t read), and Chronicles of Rondure (Civil War and the last book I reviewed from the author, BattleFront).

With so many books across six different series that tread the familiar action adventure style within the science fantasy genre, a huge amount of credit must be given to the author: each book is a unique chapter in the series, and whilst familiar, not one book feels as if it’s treading familiar ground. Each one has its own identity, and The Last Sentrys is no different. Further, with about eighteen months between Sentrys of Terrene novels and three books between them each hailing from their own series, the author makes picking up the place in the epic’s chronology easy for the reader to achieve. It’s a credit to the massive world building that it’s so easy to move from book to book.

At 195 pages in paperback (or an estimated 216 pages on Kindle), The Last Sentrys is a lean read, which is predictable for the series. The length allows the book to move through its plot swiftly while spending some time with the characters and unleashing its massive set pieces. It makes for a breezy read, which suits the book’s story well, and makes it accessible for readers of most ages. Like most of the author’s books, The Last Sentrys touches upon the young adult genre, and it’s appropriate for younger fans of the genre. It doesn’t lead into this genre as heavily as some of the other books in the Renegades Epic, but readers who enjoy reading about relatively young characters fighting against innumerable odds will feel right at home.

Although most books in the Renegades Epic are brisk reads, The Last Sentrys is shorter than most. It helps the pacing move along at a quick speed, but sometimes the pacing in this book feels a little too fast. There’s a lot happening throughout the book, and it moves through so quickly that it doesn’t give the plot any room to breathe. The book has a tendency of jumping from plot point to plot point, leaving the reader to bounce around with it, rather than taking it in as much as they could. If the book had taken more time stretch the plot out, it would have lifted the story; instead it feels as though it comes second to its set pieces.

However, much like a popcorn movie from a certain shared universe (something the author has cited as an influence on the Renegades Epic), the set pieces are integral to The Last Sentrys’ success. Whilst I would have appreciated a more robust story to back these up, there is so much fun to be had with the action. Marti is an author of many strengths, but perhaps his biggest strength is in beautifully paced action sequences that, while bombastic, don’t overpower the rest of the book. These sequences make the reader feel as though they’re part of the action, while also lending the book much of its heart.

Whilst the action sequences are filled with heart, it is only as successful as its characters allow, with readers needing to care about them. Many of The Last Sentrys’ characters are returning from other books, not just in the Sentrys of Terrene series, but also from the broader Renegades Epic. Readers familiar with these characters will delight in seeing them again; once again presented entertaining characters who are a joy to follow. Readers who aren’t familiar with the characters will still be entertained by them, although they may note that they aren’t presented particularly deeply. The book isn’t a character study, but the characters have enough depth for readers to relate to them and care about their fates. Their dialogue works well, with each character sounding distinct from the others, and the conversations flowing naturally.

Readers unfamiliar with the characters will also be unfamiliar with the Renegades Epic as a whole. As the twelfth book in a universe of interconnected series, there is only so much the book can do to make it friendly to new readers. Anyone who hasn’t read the first Sentrys of Terrene book, The Rebellion Awakens, will be completely lost, so at least starting at the beginning of this series is imperative. Having read the other books will add colour to the book’s story and world, and while not entirely essential to enjoying this series, it’s the way to get most enjoyment from the story. Reading eleven books into the lead up to this series is a monumental task, however.

Once again, the author has added some supplemental material to the book. This always provides insight into the book in the context of the wider tapestry of the Renegades Epic, and it’s always a thoroughly enjoyable bonus. The author discusses his thinking behind the book, as well as the influences.

The Last Sentrys provides all the action and adventure readers of The Rebellion Awakens or the author’s broader Renegades Epic have come to expect. Whilst new readers might want to find an earlier point to jump aboard this world, they’ll be rewarded for doing so. Although the plot doesn’t hit as strongly as it could, action and characters ensure it’s well worth the effort.

Favourite Passage

Sabre’s rage-filled screams turned agonizing as she dropped to her knees and her sword clanged to the ground. Oh, stupid, stupid, stupid, she silently scolded herself. Her sword blade was the only way to break that freaking aether eater, not trying to pry it off with her free hand as it burned into her flesh.“Watch out!” Zani cries, her keen eyes spotting a dangerous ice drake lurking nearby. Its scales shimmer like frozen daggers, eyes cold and predatory as it sets its gaze on us.

The Last Sentrys: Sentrys of Terrene: Book II, Chapter Twenty: “Duel”

The Last Sentrys: Sentrys of Terrene: Book II was provided by the author for the purpose of an honest review.

The Last Sentrys is available in paperback and on Kindle, exclusive to Amazon.

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The Last Sentrys (Sentrys of Terrene Book 2)

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